Thursday, April 30, 2009

“The Greatest Heist In Monetary History”

If the Democrats know we (The Taxpayer) are getting robber (by Wall Street) and the Republicans know we are getting robber and the guys voting to steal our money are Democrats and Republicans, then maybe the is different than Democrat versus Republican…

The issue is that Wall Street has bought the politicians with campaign contributions and promises of fortunes when they leave Washington and either go to work on Wall Street or become lobbyists.

At some point, the public going figure this out and it will get ugly.

Obama saved the bankers from the “pitchforks” a few weeks ago when he changed the FASB rules (don’t think that FASB made the decision by themselves) and manipulated the largest 8-week stock market rally in 70 years.

The rally was designed to – save Obama’s behind, save Geitner’s behind and save the C-levels executives at the banks. If and when these guys get fired and honest men take their jobs, the crooked game will end and Obama will actually have to make difficult decisions about how to CHANGE the economy and rebuild a Middle Class at the expense of Wall Street.

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