Sunday, March 22, 2009

Quantitative Easing Review

For background information, here is the piece I wrote on Quantitative Easing (QE). It might be the best thing I have ever written –

After review the article, you can see why I had stops in place to benefit from the explosive rise in Gold and Treasury Bonds. I get well paid.

I am looking to add to these holdings, because there is only one end game to the Obama/Geithner/Paulson “Bank Bailout Plan” – an imploding Dollar with Massive Inflation.

The goal of QE is to increase asset prices and wages in Nominal terms, not Real terms. By definition, you do this by increasing inflation.

The Fed has only one method for handling this mess and that is to try and inflate away the real value of all the crappy debt they will be buying from banks, with Taxpayer money.

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