Friday, November 20, 2009

Do You Really Think These Students Will Put Your Social Security Above Their Cost Of Living Expenses?

UC Regents voted to raise fees by 32% yesterday.
They cast the vote at UCLA.
A lot of students showed up to protest.

“We weren’t allowed to leave,” said Student Regent Jesse Bernal. “(The situation) just became a little too intense for the police officers.”

They took over a building.

They held signs like -

Bailout Education
First (crossed out) Last Gen College Student

There is no way that the kids hit college today will pay for the Retirement (Social Security and Public Pensions) or Health Care (Medicare). They will have to figure out how to pay for their own lives on incomes that will not match what their parents made.

You better be planning on how to self-finance your retirement years, because those checks you were expecting from the Government will be a lot smaller than you thought, if they show up at all.

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